1. The public participating at Gina's book presentation, Uma Folha, in Petropolis, Brazil, 2009
2. Entrance to the house, Center of the Writers Academy in Petropolis
3. Friends from the synagogue
4. Gina and her new edited book
5. Gina answering questions from the public
6. Gina at her book presentation
7. Gina explaining about her book
8. Gina showing the cover of her new book
9. Gina signing her book
10. Gina signing her new book to her friends
11. Gina signing her new book
12. Gina with old friends
13. Gina's old Friends
14. House of the poet Claudio de Souza in Petropolis, belongs to the Imperial Museum
15. Inside the historical house and the public
16. Mrs. L.Weil arriving
17. Prof Eloy opening the presentation
18. Prof Eloy, the president of the Academy, and Gina's friends
19. The bookprinter, Mr. Marcos Mattos and Gina
20. The coquetel
21. The evening of Gina's book presenation
22. The new books
23. The painter, Mr. Walter Berner
24. The public, friends, paintors and Gina's ex-students
25. Carlos Watkins